Frasers Property Limited

Frasers Property Limited

438 Alexandra Road,
#21-00 Alexandra Point
Singapore 119958

Tel: (+65) 6276 4882


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Frasers Property Singapore

Singapore Office

438 Alexandra Road
#21-00 Alexandra Point
Singapore 119958


How can we help?

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Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Property Australia

Australia office

Building C/1 Homebush Bay Dr

Rhodes NSW 2138, Australia


How can we help?

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Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Property China

China Office

No. 288 South Shanxi Road, Two ICC, Unit 1607, Xuhui District, Shanghai 200031 PRC
地址: 上海市徐汇区陕西南路 288号环贸二期 1607 室 200031


How can we help?

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Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd

438 Alexandra Road,

#18-00 Alexandra Point,

Singapore 119958


How can we help?

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Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Property Thailand

Thailand Office

Frasers Property (Thailand) Public Company Limited

No. 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 22nd- 23rd Floor

Rama 4 Road, Wangmai Subdistrict, Pathumwan District

Bangkok 10330


How can we help?

Get in touch - we’re here to help you

Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Property United Kingdom

United Kingdom Office

95 Cromwell Road

Tel: +44 207 244 9889

For media enquiries, click here

How can we help?

Get in touch - we’re here to help you

Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

Frasers Property Vietnam

Frasers Property Vietnam Office

2 Ngo Duc Ke Street,
Ben Nghe Ward, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Tel: (+84) 28 3827 6789


How can we help?

Get in touch - we’re here to help you

Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.


Frasers Property Industrial

Sydney Australia

Frasers Property Industrial

Level 2, Building C

1 Homebush Bay Drive Rhodes

NSW 2138


Brisbane Australia

Frasers Property Industrial

Level 3

154 Melbourne Street

South Brisbane, QLD 4101




Cologne office

Frasers Property Industrial

Im Zollhafen 24
50678 Cologne

T. +49 (0) 221-57 77 79-0


Melbourne Australia

Frasers Property Industrial

Level 9

484 St Kilda Road

Melbourne, VIC 3004


Amsterdam office

Frasers Property Industrial

Apollolaan 153
1077 AS Amsterdam
The Netherlands

PO Box 7882
1008 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

T. +31 (0)20 261 0710


Munich office

Frasers Property Industrial

Seitzstraße 23
80538 Munich

T. +49 (0)89 2109 3680


How can we help?

Get in touch - we’re here to help you

Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.



438 Alexandra Road,
#21-00 Alexandra Point
Singapore 119958


How can we help?

Get in touch - we’re here to help you

Attach any relevant documents such as resume, cover letter or certificates to support your application. We accept any .pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpeg, .png files. Maximum file size is 5 mb.

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